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System Thinker

System Thinker manages the key elements of any internal compliance program for your business, such as ISO9000 and HACCP. An online information control panel and report generation minimize the paperwork related to the compliance program up to zero.

Get immediate access to the present status of internal audits, corrective actions, documentation, employee training and qualifications, complaints, and other critical compliance program elements. Plan internal audits for all of your company sites as well as trace audit noncompliance. Collect data through mobile devices for quick audits and reports for taking quick actions.

View audit reports and results online and submit root cause and corrective and preventive action (CAPA) plans for review by Compliance Managers. User-friendly interface is easy to implement to increase compliance uptime. Provides localization features so multinational companies can adjust the system regionally and locally for language, currency, time zone, and culture-related requirements. System View’s features help you to earn compliance quickly and ensure ongoing compliance.  

Key Features

Provides online services and solutions that can be accessed whenever and wherever you want.

Flexible configures to any compliance area.

Automates the internal compliance plan.

Manages all online tasks like CAPA, documentation, training, etc. as well as internal audits.

Furnishes tools to help mistake-proof compliance activities, thus eradicating some noncompliance entirely.

Allows immediate online data access.

Collects data onsite or through mobile devices.

Consolidates time-to-compliance.

Proactively intelligent.